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2024 Spring Concert Song Lyrics


歌があるから あなたと一緒に
歌があるから 笑顔が見える
ラララララ ラララララ
歌に幸せ のせて届けよう
ラララララ ラララララ

歌があるから 元気を出して
歌があるから さみしくなんかない
ラララララ ラララララ
歌に幸せ のせて届けよう
ラララララ ラララララ

1.Because We Have Songs

We have songs, so we will sing with you.
We have songs, so we see the smiles.
La la la la ...

We have songs, so cheer up !
We have songs, so we are not alone.
La la la la …


あした 浜辺をさまよえば
昔のことぞ しのばるる
風よ 音よ 雲のさまよ
寄する波も 貝の色も

昔の人ぞ しのばるる
寄する波よ 返す波よ
月の色も 星の影も

2.The Song of the Seashore


If I wander about ashore this morning
It will bring me back to good old times
The sound of the wind, the way clouds change
Waves breaking in, the color of the sea shells

If I roam about ashore at sunset
My beloved one will bring me back then
Waves breaking in and waning back
The color of the moon, the light of the stars


埴生の宿も 我が宿
玉のよそい うらやまじ
のどかなりや 春のそら
花はあるじ 鳥は友
楽しとも 楽もしや

文よむ窓も 我が窓
瑠璃の床も うらやまじ
きよらなりや 秋の夜半
月はあるじ 虫はとも
おー 我が窓よ
楽しとも 楽もしや

3.Home Sweet Home


In the humble abode where I reside,
A place that may seem shabby, but in my heart, it's pride.
No envy for luxury, simplicity is my creed,
Under the tranquil spring sky, my soul takes heed.
Flowers stand as guardians, and birds, loyal friends,
In my home, happiness and contentment blends.
Oh, my dear dwelling, you enrich my heart,
A sanctuary of joy, where every moment is art.

Through the window, I gaze and read,
No envy for floors with lapis lazuli, indeed.
How pure the autumn night, a celestial delight,
The moon, my guardian, and bugs, friends in flight.
Oy, my window, a portal to dreams and insight,
You make me happy, and my heart takes flight.
In the simplicity of life, true riches I find,
A poetic haven, where the soul is entwined.


大きなのっぽの古時計 おじいさんの時計
100年休まずにチクタク チクタク
おじいさんと一緒に チクタク チクタク

なんでも知ってる古時計 おじいさんの時計
きれいな花嫁やってきた その日も動いてた
嬉しいことも 悲しいことも みな知ってる時計さ
100年休まずにチクタク チクタク
おじいさんと一緒に チクタク チクタク

真夜中にベルが鳴った おじいさんの時計
お別れの時が来たのを 皆に教えたのさ
天国へ登るおじいさん 時計ともお別れ
100年休まずにチクタク チクタク
おじいさんと一緒に チクタク チクタク

4.My Grandfather’s Clock

My grandfather's clock was too large for the shelf
So it stood ninety years on the floor
It was taller by half than the old man himself
Though it weighed not a pennyweight more
It was bought on the morn' of the day that he was born
And was always his treasure and pride
But it stopped, short never to go again
When the old man died
One hundred years without slumbering
His life seconds numbering
It stopped, short never to go again
When the old man died
My grandfather said that of those he could hire
Not a servant so faithful he found
For it wasted no time and had but one desire
At the close of each week to be wound
And it kept in its place, not a frown upon its face
And its hands never hung by its side
But it stopped short, never to go again
When the old man died
It rang and alarmed in the dead of the night
An alarm that for years had been dumb
And we knew that his spirit was plumming for flight
That his hour for departure had come
Still the clock kept the time with a soft and muffled chime
As we silently stood by his side
But it stopped short, never to go again
When the old man died
Ninety years without slumbering
His life seconds numbering
It stopped short, never to go again
When the old man died


夕焼けこやけで 日が暮れて

おてて繋いで 皆かえろ

子供が帰った あとからは
丸い大きな お月様

5.Sunset Song
The sky turned red as the sun set
The bells of the temple gong is echoing
Let us go home holding hands
The crows are also flying back to their nests

After children went home
The moon round and bright has come up
By the time the birds are dreaming
The stars are twinkling in the sky


そっと覗いてみてごらん そっと覗いてみてごらん

誰が生徒か先生か 誰が生徒か先生か

水に流れてつーいつい 水に流れてつーいつい
みんなでそろって つーいつい

6.School of Minnows

School of minnows is in the creek.
Peak them quietly, you find them dancing

School of minnows in the creek.
Who is the teacher, who is the student.
Everybody is having fun.

School of minnows look so happy
Swimming in the stream, swimming in the stream.
Everybody’s swimming along


おわれていたのは いつのひか

山の畑の桑の実を 小かごにつんだはまぼろしか

15で姉やは嫁に行き お里の便りも絶えはてた

夕焼け小焼けの赤とんぼ とまっているよ さおの先

7.Red Dragonflies

Red dragonflies in the sunset
Remembering seeing them while I was carried on mom’s back

In mountain fields we used to gather mulberries and put them in a small basket
Was it real or was I imagining

At age fifteen my sister married away
Her letters stopped coming long ago

A red dragon fly in the sunset
I see it perched on the tip of a bamboo pole


呼んでいる 胸のどこか奥で
いつも心躍る 夢を見たい

繰り返す過ちのその度 人は
ただ青い空の 青さを知る
この両手は 光をいだける

さよならの時の 静かな胸
ゼロになるからだが 耳を澄ませる
生きている不思議 死んでいく不思議
花も風も街も みんな同じ

呼んでいる 胸のどこか奥で
いつも何度でも 夢を描こう

閉じていく思い出の その中にいつも

始まりの朝の 静かな窓
ゼロになるからだ 満たされてゆけ

海の彼方には もう探さない
輝くものは いつもここに
私の中に 見つけられたから

8.Always Dreaming (Song from “Sprited Away”)

Somewhere, a voice calls in the depths of my heart
May I always be dreaming, the dreams that move my heart
So many tears of sadness, uncountable through and through
I know on the other side of them, I'll find you

Every time we fall down to the ground
We look up to the blue sky above
We wake to it's blueness as for the first time
Though the road is long and lonely
And the end far away, out of sight
I can with these two arms embrace the light

As I bid farewell my heart stops, in tenderness I feel
My silent empty body begins to listen to what is real
The wonder of living, the wonder of dying
The wind, town, and flowers, we all dance one unity

Somewhere, a voice calls in the depths of my heart
Keep dreaming your dreams, don't ever let them part
Why speak of all your sadness or of life's painful woes
Instead let the same lips sing a gentle song for you

The whispering voice
We never want to forget
In each passing memory
Always there to guide you
When a mirror has been broken
Shattered pieces scattered on the ground
Glimpses of new life
Reflected all around

Window of beginning, stillness, new light of the dawn
Let my silent, empty body be filled and reborn
No need to search outside, nor sail across the sea
Cause here shining inside me, it's right here inside me
I've found a brightness, it's always with me


ありがとうって言ったら みんなが笑ってる
その顔が嬉しくて 何度もありがとう
町中に咲いてる ありがとうの花

ありがとうの花が咲くよ 君の町にもホラいつか
ありがとうの花が咲くよ みんなが笑ってるよ

僕らの夢はみんなと 一緒に歌うこと
あったかい手を繋ぎ みんなで歌うこと
小さかった花の夢 おっきく膨らんで
みんなと一緒 ありがとう 歌い出す

ありがとうの花が咲くよ 君の町にもホラいつか
ありがとうの花が咲くよ みんなが歌ってるよ

9.The Flowers of Gratitude

When I say “thank you,” everyone is smiling
Their faces make me happy, so I say thank you again and again
In the town, the flowers of gratitude are blooming
Carried by the wind, they fly into tomorrow
The flowers of gratitude are blooming
Look, someday in your town too
The flowers of gratitude are blooming
Everyone is smiling
Our dream is to sing together with everyone
To hold warm hands and sing together
The dream of a small flower expands greatly
Together with everyone, we start singing, thank you
The flowers of gratitude are blooming
Look, someday in your town too
The flowers of gratitude are blooming
Everyone is singing
The flowers of gratitude are blooming
Look, someday in your town too
The flowers of gratitude are blooming
Everyone is singing
Everyone is singing


しょ しょ 証城寺 証城寺の庭は
つ つ 月夜だ みんな出てこい こい こい
オイラの友だちゃ ポンポコポンの ポン

負けるな負けるな 和尚さんに負けるな
こいこいこい こいこいこい みんな出てこいこいこい

しょ しょ 証城寺 証城寺の萩は
つ つ 月夜に 花盛り
オイラは浮かれて ポンポコポンの ポン

10.Racoon Drumming at Shojoji Temple

At Sho-jo-ji Temple
The garden is bright
On the moonlit night.
Let's come and together,
We are raccoon friends,
Pon poko pon no pon!

Keep up with
The Priest*,
Let's come
Come and beat
On the belly drum together.

At Sho-jo-ji Temple,
The bush clover** is in
Full bloom on the moonlit night.
How merry and playful!
Pon poko pon no pon!


なぜ巡り会うのかを 私たちはなにも知らない
いつ巡り会うのかを 私たちはいつも知らない
どこにいたの 生きてきたの
遠い空の下 2つの物語

縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私

なぜ生きて行くのかを 迷った日のあとのささくれ
夢追いかけ走って 転んだ日のあとのささくれ
こんな糸が何になるの 心もとなくて震えてた風の中

縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私

縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私
会うべき糸に出会えることを 人は幸せと呼びます

11.Weaving Threads

We don’t always know why we meet
We don’t always know when we meet
Where have you been?
How have you been?
Two separate stories unfolding under the vast sky
You are the vertical threads
And I am the horizontal threads
The fabric  we weave together
May warm someone else someday

Why do I continue to live? Oh the pain of uncertainty
The pain of falling down after I chase my dreams
Is my thread worth anything? I felt so insecure shaking by the chilly wind

You are the vertical threads
And I am the horizontal threads
The fabric we weave together
May cover the wounds of someone else

You are the vertical threads
And I am the horizontal threads
When you meet the destined threads
People call it happiness


美しく 美しく
人の命の憧れが 泉のように湧いてくる

美しく 美しく
人の命の憧れが 百千の花と咲きほこる

美しく 美しく
人の命の憧れが 光の虹をかけている


Beautifully, beautifully,
revolving vast sky, the yearning of human life surges up like a spring.
Beautifully, beautifully, in the fragrant earthly garden,
Dreams of human life bloom and flourish like countless flowers.

Beautifully, beautifully, in the peaceful temple of the universe,
Dreams of human life cast a rainbow of light.


古いアルバムめくり ありがとうと呟いた
いつもいつも胸の中 励ましてくれる人よ
晴れわたる日も 雨の日も 浮かぶあの笑顔
思い出遠くあせても 面影探して
よみがえる日は 涙そうそう

一番星に祈る それが私の癖になり
夕暮れに見上げる空 心いっぱいあなた探す
悲しみにも 喜びにも おもうあの笑顔
あなたの場所から私が見えたら きっといつか
会えると信じ 生きてゆく

晴れわたる日も  雨の日も 浮かぶあの笑顔
思い出遠くあせても さみしくて 恋しくて
君への想い 涙そうそう
会いたくて 会いたくて 
君への想い 涙そうそう

13.Down Come My Tears

I whispered “thank you”  as I leafed through my old photo album.

Always within my heart is a person who cheers me on.
That smile, come rain or shine, appears in my heart.
Even though the memories of us fade away; those days of youth, in search of your image,  
My tears keeps flowing

Praying upon the  first evening star has become my routine.
Looking up to the sky in the twilight I seek for where you are now.
That smile I would think of in tears and in joy.
If I'm to be seen from a place where you are, I'm going to live on, believing we can surely meet again.

That smile, come rain or shine, appear in my heart.
Even though the memories of us fade away; These feelings for you, in loneliness and with longings,
My tears keeps flowing
I want to meet you, want to see you, thinking of you keeps my tears flowing.


真っ白な雪道に 春風かおる
叶えたい夢もあった 変わりたい自分もいた
今はただ 懐かしいあの人を思い出す
誰かの歌がきこえる 誰かを励ましてる
誰かの笑顔が見える 悲しみの向こう側に

花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に
花は 花は 花は咲く 私はなにを残しただろう

夜空の向こうの 朝の気配に
傷ついて傷つけて 報われず泣いたりした
今はただ 愛おしいあの人を思い出す
誰かの思いが見える 誰かと結ばれてる
誰かの未来が見える 悲しみの向こう側に

花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に
花は 花は 花は咲く 私はなにを残しただろう

花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に
花は 花は 花は咲く いつか恋する君のために

14.Flowers will Bloom
(2011 Earthquake and Tsunami recovery support song)

In the spring wind that blows softly
over the snow-covered road,
I remember my sweet old town.
I had some dreams that I wanted to fulfill. There was a part of me that wanted to change to be my best self.
Now I just miss my dear old friends.
I can still hear them singing.
They are singing to cheer up someone else.
I can still see them smiling.
Somewhere beyond the sorrow and pain.

Flower, flower, flowers bloom
For you, who will be born one day.
Flower, flower, flowers bloom
What have I left behind for you?

Feeling the morning light beyond the dark night, I remember those sweet old days.
I’ve been hurt, I've hurt someone, and I wept over my lost loves.
Now I just miss those people,
My dear old friends.
I can still see their dreams.
I can still feel them close to me.
I can still see their futures.
Somewhere beyond the sorrow and pain.

Flower, flower, flowers bloom
For you, who will be born one day
Flower, flower, flowers bloom
For you, who are going to love someone someday.

15.風のとおり道 (となりのトトロ)

森の奥で生まれた風が 原っぱにひとり立つ楡の木
フワリかすめやってきた あれは風のとおり道

森の奥で生まれた風が 見えない手さし伸べて麦の穂
フワリかすめやってきた あれは風のとおり道

はるかな地 旅ゆく風 道しるべ
一人行くあなたに贈る 髪の飾り

森の奥で生まれた風が 原っぱにひとり立つ楡の木
フワリかすめ消えていく あれは風のとおり道

森の奥で生まれた風が 原っぱにひとり立つ楡の木
フワリかすめやってきた あれは風のとおり道

森の奥で生まれた風が 見えない手さし伸べて麦の穂
フワリかすめ あなたの髪を 揺らして通り過ぎてく

15.Pathway of Wind  (Song from “My Neighbor Totoro”)

From the depths of the woods where the wind born to the field
there  stands a lone elm tree
Softly brushes your hair
Over there is the pathway of the wind

From the depths of the woods where the wind was born
Its invisible hand extends over the ears of barley
softly brushes your hair flutters as it passes by

The wind travels far and wide  leaving markers for the paths
It sends a hair adornment as a gift to you whom traveling alone

From the depths of the woods where the wind born to the field
there  stands a lone elm tree
Softly brushes your hair
Over there is the pathway of the wind


雲が流れて 光が差して見上げてみれば ラララ

虹が虹が空にかかって 君の君の気分も晴れて
きっと明日はいい天気 きっと明日はいい天気

洗濯物が1日濡れて 風に吹かれてくしゃみをひとつ
雲が流れて 光が差して見上げてみれば ラララ

虹が虹が空にかかって 君の君の気分も晴れて
きっと明日はいい天気 きっと明日はいい天気

涙かわいて くしゃみをひとつ
雲が流れて光が差して見上げてみれば ラララ

虹が虹が空にかかって 君の君の気分も晴れて
きっと明日はいい天気 きっと明日はいい天気


Her sandbox toys are wet from rain all day
Now it stopped and she sneezed once
Clouds are moving away and the sun is shining
Look up!  The rainbow appeared in the sky
Which made her feel better
It’ll be a sunny day tomorrow for sure

Clothes are wet on the lines all day
Blowing in the wind and she sneezed once
Clouds are moving away and the sun is shining
Look up!  THe rainbow appeared in the sky
Which made her feel better
It’ll be a sunny day tomorrow for sure

Her school trip got postponed one day
Her tears dried and sneezed once
Clouds are moving away and the sun is shining
Look up! THe rainbow appeared in the sky
Which made her feel better
It’ll be a sunny day tomorrow for sure


君は宇宙 百億年もの歴史が今も身体に流れてる

君も星だよ みんな、みんな

時の流れに生まれたものなら ひとり残らず幸せになれるはず
みんな命を燃やすんだ 星のように、ホタルのように

僕らはひとつ みんな、みんな

君も星だよ みんな、みんな


The galaxy sings out to the summer grass field
I put my hand on my chest to feel the wind blowing
I saw the universe burning within your warmth
It was the feeling that the remote age brings
You are the universe
Experiences during ten billions of years are still flowing in our bodies

I can hear the voice of the light high up in the sky
You are also the star All of us, all of us

For we are born in the circle of the time, we all have a gift of happiness
We are living our lives like a bright star, like a firefly
I can hear the voice of the light high up in the sky
We all are one, all of us, all of us
I can hear the voice of the light high up in the sky
You are also the star All of us, all of us

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